In #FOREVELGRATEFUL About Me Life Moment Story

Some motivation and blessings. #FOREVERGRATEFUL

Hello reader! Back again hehe
Jadi postingan kali ini intinya aku mau mengucap syukur sama Tuhan Yesus, dan mungkin sekalian ceritain beberapa kesaksian tentang hidup aku akhir akhir ini. Juga bisa jadi motivasi buat kalian yang mungkin mengalami hal yang sama kaya aku? :D Awalnya ragu-ragu mau post postingan ini, tapi setelah aku pikir-pikir kenapa nggak yakan? Karena gapernah ada yang salah kalo kita mau bersaksi tentang kebaikan Tuhan dihidup kita, yang mungkin bisa jadi menguatkan orang lain jugaaa. So this is my story! Hope you enjoy ;)

Firstttt,.. aku itu orangnya bukan orang yang religius banget. Hidupku penuh banget sama tingkah laku yang gabaik. Denger lagu rohani aja boro2 jarang banget. Paling juga denger pas di gereja aja wkwk tapi bukan berarti aku gapernah berdoa atau bersyukur yaa. Cuma memang kalo urusan gereja/main, aku lebih berat ke main. Hehe I WAS.. a person who doesn't always put God first. Nah, aku punya sahabat namanya Devi, dia ya bisa dibilang orang yang lebih religius daripada aku, dia selalu ngingetin aku buat ga ngomong kasar, dan sampai akhirnya kita punya komitmen untuk saling nginetin satu sama lain buat ga ngomong kasar (misuh). Sampe akhirnya aku bisa sangat berkurang ngomong kasar, juga karena aku doa sama Tuhan untuk nuntun aku supaya aku bisa mengontrol kata-kata yang keluar dari mulutku. Mulai darisitu, aku ngerasa, Tuhan itu sbenernya selalu ngebantu kita, cuma kita aja yang ga buka hati buat Dia. Akhirnya aku mulai ngerasain bahwa Tuhan jamah aku perlahan, aku mulai enjoy denger lagu rohani, aku mulai ngerasa butuh makanan rohani (Firman dan renungan), aku mulai pasrahin seluruh hidupku untuk Tuhan. 

Nah ada cerita lain juga, waktu itu aku sempet sakit hati sama satu cowo, rasanya susah banget buat lepasin dia, sampe aku tiap hari nangis (dan sekarang pengen ketawa dengernya wkwk karena kusadar bahwa yang aku lakuin itu gapenting dan gak ada gunanya!!! HAHAH) terus aku jadi ganafsu makan, dll. Semuanya kerasa negatif aja gitu. Sampe2 akhirnya aku cape sndiri kan, dan aku mulai tanya Tuhan, aku ceritain semua unek2 ku di doa, dan setelah beberapa hari aku doa, aku ngerasa lama2 Tuhan tu kasi jalan buat aku lupa sama cowo itu, dan akhirnya aku udah ga galau lagi!! (percaya ga percaya) semudah itu. Ini ya aku kasih tips anti galau lama2 abis putus cinta, ataupun galau karena hal lain.
Jangan segan2 buat cerita sama Tuhan, cerita sama temen juga boleh, tapi yang pasti Tuhan itu ga bakal kasi tau ceritamu kemana2 :p Dia temen yang paling setia, yang mau dengerin cerita kamu sampai apapun itu ceritanya. Karena gini ya, galau itu boleh, tapi jangan sampe galau itu menyiksa diri kamu sendiri.
 At least cerita sama orang terdekat itu perlu banget! Pastiin dia yang ga bully kamu pas kamu lagi galau, tapi yang memotivasi dan menasehati kamu supaya menjadi orang yang lebih baik. Jangan pendam masalah sendiri. Ntar bisa cepet stress :) (karena aku udah pernah mengalami sendiri, dan nyiksa banget)
Lakuin hal lain yang lebih berguna. Istilahnya mungkin sibukkin diri kali ya, sama hal yang positif pastinya. Jadi, pikiranmu ga kesana terus gituuuu. It works sih
Hide kalo bisa semua contactnya, jadi gabisa deh liat dia lagi ngapain, ini agak susah, tapi trust me it works, dibantu doa juga, supaya hati jadi lebih kuat!!
Itu sih 2 tips jitu dari aku tentang sakit hati galau gundah gulana dan lainnya hahaha. Semoga bermanfaat ya, jadi we don't have to worry anymore! 

Oya, aku juga mau share gimana aku bisa berubah jadi orang yang lebih baik (aku gabilang aku orang baik, cuma goals ku untuk menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya :) ) saat ini. Aku sekarang bisa sangat mengurangi kata kasar (dulu aku selalu misuh (ngomong kasar semua kebun binatang kluar)) . Aku belajar bahwa, apa yang keluar dari mulut kita, itu berasal dari pikiran dan hati kita. Jadi kuncinya, minta Tuhan untuk jernihkan hati dan pikiran kita, diimbangi dengan membaca Firman Tuhan. Deketin diri sama Tuhan. Always put God first. Minta Tuhan supaya kita dikasih kekuatan untuk mengontrol kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut kita. Sebisa mungkin kita juga berusaha pasti ada hasil. Kan gada usaha yang mengkhianati hasil kan? ;)

Aku gabisa bilang aku udah jadi orang yang sangat religius sekarang, toh aku masih juga berdosa, masih kadang suka lupa sama janjiku sendiri sama Tuhan, masih bertingkah laku yang buruk juga, masih gabisa kontrol emosi kadang. Ya semua kan proses, jadi aku berusaha menikmati proses ini, sehingga ada sesuatu yang bisa di jadiin kesaksian gini untuk kalian :D aku terus berdoa supaya bisa menjadi lebih baik.

Bersyukur banget kalo Tuhan masih sangat menyayangi kita anak2Nya, yang sangat berdosa ini, Tuhan pilih kita, bukan kita yang pilih Tuhan. Oiya, ada hal yang perlu kalian tahu bahwa, doa besar kuasanya. Berdoa itu juga bisa jadi jembatan untuk kita lebih dekat dengan Tuhan lho, Tuhan bakal seneng banget kalo kita anak2Nya mau berkomunikasi dengan Dia. Intinya imbangi pelayanan, doa, dan saat teduh. Bukan semata karena ingin sesuatu, karena Tuhan bukan jin yang kasih apapun yang kita mau, tapi Ia memberi sesuai dengan kehendakNya. 

Ya itu aja sih yang pengen aku share, semoga bisa berguna bagi kalian. 
Jangan lupa untuk selalu bersyukur sama Tuhan Yesus tiap harinya. Karena kita sampai saat ini itu hanya karena anugerahNya kan? Praise Jesus! :D

Gbu all, xoxo

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In random

I'm Not Good At All.

I wrote this at a coffee shop. Alone. 3 PM. 

If you ever wondered where did I go all this time? Don't ask me anything, cause maybe I won't answer that. You can assume that I was depressed. So yes, this is the first time I went out since I locked up my room for a week and didn't go out at all.  I've tried my best to get rid of this feeling because it goddamn fucked up my life into something I can't control. 

College has been one of my dream comes true, even I know that I'll obviously through this part. I never know about my future, I also know that God has the best plan for my life. But, now I feel that maybe God is testing me from every problem He has given to me. I'm a very emotional person about something, I cried for every single problem I've been through. I'm always like that. No, it's not because I am a fucking coward, it's just because I'm really a sensitive person. But seriously, I'm that sensitive. I'm a kind of person that loving peace. (although I have so many problem with my (old) friend, I just didn't want that happen actually. Haha).

This problem maybe seems simple for all of you, but for me-it's a big no. It's related to my future. It depends from how I respond this. I'm struggling with my own self and nobody really knows that, I'm fucking tired and I refuse to tell everyone that I'm tired. I've done everything that makes me happy and I tried so hard to enjoy what I've been fighting for. I'm fighting with demons inside me that made me this way. The other me. It makes me angry, sad, confuse at the same time. I also had a fight with my parents. 

I don't know for sure why this is happen to me, but this is one of my goddamn problem that makes me fucking sad, moody, or sometimes I don't know what I feel. Sometimes I feel like a crazy woman, I don't know how to live a happy life, I lose my mind somewhere. Well, once again, I'm trying so hard to through this part of my life. But, it just can't end easily....

I asked my friend. 
They told me that it would be waste and maybe I'll end up regreting everything I'll do. 

Well, I know all the consequences. But maybe, they just can't change me into something they want. Cause I knew that I live not to please everyone else, I live my life for me. 

Oh, now I know that I'm a different person since I entered my college life. I'm not like them. Really. I'm a freak. Don't you think? Yes, and I'm really proud of it. One of my friend told me that "It's okay to be freak." I know that maybe my point of views are different. So far from them. Yes, it's just me. Sometimes I like to be alone, in the silence. It's me. I love something that different from them. 

Do you ever wondered why I often get angry to myself? Or even I got badmood all the time? That's because I've been keeping my problem all alone, I refused to tell my friends or even my family if I got depress all the time. 

And sometimes, I got depressed just because did you know that sometimes, words can make me hurt or even depressed? Just a little problem for some of you, but, not for me sometimes. I often mocked someone too, but not that hurt. I'm really sorry for being unfair... But you did it all the time.. I didn't know what's your motivation or your purpose to mock me, but that's hurt. Really. Don't ever judge a person from how they dressed, how they look, no-it's a big no. You don't understand them. So shut your mouth, just say a good words for everyone. Do good all the time.

That's why too, I want to tell you all from this post, I can't tell you my problem detail, because I'm talking about all my problem. So, I hope if you are my real friend, and if you really respect me for who am I, I hope you understand. 

You can tell me that this is a joke, you can laugh at this post. So that I know that you have no respect at all to a depressed or problematic person. You know that I wrote it from my deepest heart and based from what I really feel right now. 

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In Good place

Afternoon Chill at Sade.

This is actually an old short escape with my friend, Retha and her friend Ega. I just want to share about the place because I love those atmosphere, it feels like we are in Bali huahaha... But it's true! So. This is it. Sade. Jadi dulu ini adalah Hotel dan Restaurant bernama Sae-Sae, namun pada akhirnya dia buka restaurannya jadi publik! Interesting? Come and chill here!

Sadé Tropical Kitchen
(inside Sae-Sae Hostel)
Jalan Ngadinegaran MJ III, Gang Cempaka No. 46
(Jalan Mayjen Sutoyo, barat Hotel Neo+ Awana gang kecil ke selatan, gang sebelah ESL Espress)
Mantrijeron, Yogyakarta.
Opening Hours : 8am - 3pm

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In Good place Life Moment

Still in My Memory. Prambanan Jazz 2017.

Crowded place.

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In DIY & Tutorial

Turn My Room into A Starry Room?!

So since holiday is coming really soon, I have a plan to decorate my room. My room has been so messy because I don't know why, when I clean up my room, it ended messy again. Huft. But, sorry I can't give you 'my-before-after-photos' about my room, but I'll show you how it looks like now and also how to decorate a room. Here it is!
First, I'm hanging some of my photo(s) with my friend which is so lovely. Photos can bring you back the memory you missed. You can hang the photos with a rope (I don't know what kind of rope it is, but make sure it is small, and lovely to see). 

Second, add an outboard shelf (rak tempel I mean wkwk) and then put a decoration/your cute stuff on it. Or you can make a board with some quotes/poems/good word on it to cheer you up when you are studying.

Well then add that tumblr light (wkwk no its not actually! its a Christmas light right? but we call it as tumblr light like what we saw in tumblr lol). It illuminate your room beautifully.

Last, but not least, Hang this beautiful mandala tapestry on your window This is hype right now, but it's up to you how to decorate your own room.

Thats my room. How's yours? :) Just try it and goodluck! Thanks and see you on my next post.

Clara M.

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