In quotes

Quote for this day :)

"Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment" - Fred Brooks 

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In Fun Fact Wisata

5 Kawasan Wisata Terindah di Indonesia :)

Kita tinggal di NEGARA REPUBLIK INDONESIA yang punya banyak banget tempat-tempat wisata yang kerennya ga kalah dari negara lain. So, kita harus bangga kalo kita bisa tinggal di Indonesia tercinta. Dan, ini dia 5 tempat kawasan wisata terindah di Indonesia.

1. Pantai Kuta, Bali

    Pantai Kuta pada sore hari.

Pantai Kuta adalah sebuah tempat pariwisata yang bertempat di sebelah selatan Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Pantai ini terletak di Kabupaten Badung. Pantai Kuta adalah salah satu tujuan berwisata para turis. Turis mancanegara atau domestik sekalipun. Dan, pantai ini sudah menjadi tujuan wisata sejak tahun 70an. Pantai ini disebut juga Pantai Matahari Terbenam (sunset beach). *sebagai lawan Pantai Sanur*

2. Danau Toba & Pulau Samosir, Sumatra Utara

Danau Toba dengan Pulau Samosir di tengahnya.

Danau Toba adalah sebuah danau vulkanik yang panjangnya 100km dengan lebar 30km yang bertempat di Sumatra Utara, Indonesia. Danau ini merupakan danau terbesar di Indonesia & Asia Tenggara. Di tengahnya terdapat pulau vulkanik yang disebut Pulau Samosir. Danau Toba adalah daerah tujuan di Sumatra Utara selain Bukit Lawang & Nias, yang menarik wisatawan mancanegara maupun domestik. 

3. Candi Borobudur, Magelang
Candi Borobudur dilihat dari sebelah barat laut.

Adalah sebuah candi beragamakan Budha yang bertempat di Magelang, Indonesia. Candi ini didirikan oleh para penganut agama Budha Mahayana sekitar tahun 800an masehi pada masa pemerintahan wangsa Syailendra. Dalam etnis Tionghoa, candi ini disebut å©†ç¾…浮屠  (Hanyu Pinyin: pó luó fú tú) dalam bahasa Mandarin. 

4. Gunung Bromo, Jawa Timur

Pemandangan Gunung Bromo yang sangat menawan. 

Gunung Bromo adalah gunung berapi yang masih aktif dan sangat terkenal sebagai objek wisata di Jawa Timur. Gunung Bromo mempunyai ketinggian 2.392 di atas permukaan laut yang berada di 4 wilayah, yaitu Kabupaten Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang, dan Malang. Gunung Bromo mempunyai kawah dengan garis tengah yaitu ± 800m(utara-selatan) dan ±600 m(timur-barat). Sedangkan daerah bahayanya berupa lingkaran dengan jari-jari 4km dari pusat kawah Bromo. 

5. Gunung Tangkuban Perahu, Jawa Barat

Gunung Tangkuban Perahu.

 Adalah gunung yang terletak di Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Sekitar 20km ke arah utara Bandung, dengan rimbun pohon pinus dan hamparan kebun teh di sekitarnya, Gunung Tangkuban Perahu memiliki tinggi 2.084m. Gunung Tangkuban Perahu mempunyai kawasan Hutan Dipterokarp Bukit, Hutan Dipterokarp Atas, Hutan Montane, & Hutan Ericaceous/ Hutan Gunung. 

Itulah 5 dari banyak objek wisata terindah di Indonesia, versi BLOG INI, yang dikutip dari Wikipedia Indonesia :) Trims

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In Fun Fact

Fenomena Alam Sepanjang Tahun 2010 ~

Di tahun 2010 ini banyak banget fenomena-fenomena alam yang bikn kita 'geregetan' karena kita bisa jadi resah banget gara-gara mikirin fenomena itu -_- salah satunya yang paling baru sekarang adalah ~>

bayi bintang :(
what the hell!!
Tahukah teman-teman, ternyata bintang memiliki bayi seperti layaknya manusia atau hewan.

Kelompok bintang baru atau sering disebut bayi bintang ditemukan di pusat galaksi Bimasakti. Para ahli astronomi Amerika mengungkapkannya dalam pertemuan ke 214 kelompok astronomi Amerika  Serikat di Pasadena, California.

Bintang baru itu disebut bayi bintang karena baru saja memproduksi  cahaya. "Bintang tersebut masih dalam tahap awal pertumbuhan menjadi  sebuah bintang," kata Solange Ramirez, salah satu tim peneliti dari badan antariksa Amerika, NASA's Exoplanet Science Institute.

Bayi bintang itu ditemukan di pusat galaksi Bimasakti, yang memiliki  diameter 100.000 tahun cahaya.

Dalam pusat galaksi itu terdapat 10% gas  dan dan bintang-bintang. Para ahli astronomi sudah lama memperkirakan kalau bintang-bintang baru sering muncul di pusat galaksi bimasakti.

Ramirez dan tim penelitinya mengetahui keberadaan bayi bintang dengan mempelajari pola Spitzer yang ada di pusat galaksi.

Mereka bisa melihat  bintang-bintang baik yang tua maupun masih bayi yang ada di pusat galaksi.

"Sulit memang membedakan bintang dan bintang yang masih muda karena  terlihat sangat mirip. Tetapi melalui kadar cahaya yang dihasilkannya  bisa diketahui mana yang masih bayi dan sudah tua," kata Ramirez.

(dikutip dari : VIVAnews) :)

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In random









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In Fun Fact

Film-film yg udah ditonton sama yg belom :]

First, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 

story trailers ;
The story opens with the revelation that Seattle, Washington is being plagued by a string of murders, which Edward suspects is caused by a new vampire that is unable to control its thirst for human blood. As Edward and Bella apply to colleges, Bella explains to Edward her desire to see her friend, Jacob Black, a werewolf. Although Edward fears for her safety, Bella insists that neither Jacob nor his wolf pack would ever harm her, and she begins visiting him occasionally. Meanwhile, Alice Cullen has a vision that Victoria, a vampire who is hunting Bella for revenge, has returned to Forks. A few days later, Edward proposes to Bella and, despite harboring an aversion to marriage, she accepts.
Bella and the Cullens soon realize that the Seattle murders are being committed by an "army" of newborn vampires, controlled by Victoria. The Cullens join forces with the wolf pack to combat this threat. As everyone else prepares for battle, Edward, Bella, and Jacob camp in the mountains, hidden during the battle, where they are later joined by Seth Clearwater, a young wolf pack member, to wait out the fight.
In the morning, Jacob becomes upset when he overhears Edward and Bella discussing their engagement and threatens to join the fight and get himself killed. To stop him, Bella kisses Jacob and comes to realize that she is in love with him as well. During the battle, Victoria tracks Edward's scent to Bella's forest hiding place, and Edward is forced to fight. Edward manages to decapitate Victoria and her vampire army is destroyed. Afterwards, Bella explains to Jacob that while she loves him, her love for Edward is greater. After receiving a wedding invitation from Edward, Jacob runs away in his wolf form to escape his heartbreak over Bella's decision to become a vampire.

Second, Karate Kid

story trailers ;
When a 12-year-old from Detroit moves to China with his mother and incurs the wrath of the class bully at his new school, he makes an unlikely ally in the form of his aging maintenance man, a kung fu master who teaches him the secrets to self-defense. Upon arriving at his new school, Dre Parker (Jaden Smith) develops a powerful crush on pretty classmate Mei Ying. The feeling is mutual, although the cultural divide between Dre and Mei Ying makes a friendship unlikely, and romance impossible. When cruel classmate and kung fu prodigy Cheng learns of Dre's feelings for Mei Ying, he harasses and humiliates the young outsider in front of the entire school. With no one to turn to for help, Dre confides his fears in kindly maintenance man Mr. Han (Jackie Chan), a kung fu master who knows that serenity and maturity -- not punches and power -- are the true keys to mastering the martial arts. As Dre prepares to face down his intimidating tormentor, he begins to realize that the real fight is just beginning. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

Third, Toy Story 3

story trailers ;
Woody, Buzz and the whole gang are back. As their owner Andy prepares to depart for college, his loyal toys find themselves in daycare where untamed tots with their sticky little fingers do not play nice. So, it's all for one and one for all as they join Barbie's counterpart Ken, a thespian hedgehog named Mr. Pricklepants and a pink, strawberry-scented teddy bear called Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear to plan their great escape. Written by Walt Disney Studios
Andy is now 17 and ready to head off to college, leaving Woody, Buzz, Jessie, and the rest of the toy-box gang to ponder their uncertain futures. When the toys are accidentally donated to the Sunnyside Daycare center they're initially overjoyed to once again be played with, but their enthusiasm quickly gives way to horror as they discover the true nature of the establishment under the rule of the deceptively welcoming "Lotso" Bear. Now, all of the toys must band together in one final, crazy scheme to escape their confines and return home to Andy. Written by The Massie Twins

Fourth, Shrek: Forever After

story trailers ;
A domesticated Shrek hatches a plan to recapture his mojo and discovers what life in Far Far Away land would have been like had he never existed in this final chapter of the popular animated film series. There used to be a time when the villagers would run in terror at the mere mention of the name Shrek, but these days the big green ogre is married to Princess Fiona and raising triplets. Maintaining your fierce public persona is no simple task when you're juggling infants and changing diapers, so when Shrek realizes that nobody is afraid of him anymore he recruits mischief-maker Rumpelstiltskin to restore his once-mighty roar. Unfortunately for Shrek, that plan hits an unexpected hitch. As a result, the morose monster takes a trip into an alternate-universe Far Far Away land where there is no Shrek, and Rumpelstiltskin reigns. There, Donkey spends his days hauling carts, and a portly Puss in Boots prefers lounging to swashbuckling. Perhaps with a little extra effort, Shrek will be able to regain his status as top ogre in town and still have his happily ever after, too. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

taken from ; anywhere. :p

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In random

Eclipse Trailer :D

enjooooy watching :) lebih jelas dan gedenya *disini tempatnya kepotong* silahkan click videonya 2 kali. Thaaanks :D

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In Fun Fact

FACEBOOK are not as busy as before :D I just move to TWITTER.

HEYAA! Before I write something here, I want to say something for my blog. It was like this, "My blog, I want to talk. Thank you because you are faithful to me even though I rarely open up and write something in your place. Frankly, I miss you!"

Lol. I dont believe that I can write like thaaat :'( *huhuhuuhuhuhuhuuu.. CRYING* okay. lets stop this stupid draaamaa! :p ahhaa.

In 2009, Facebook was spread! First one, I was like and looooooove it :p and, I have Twitter. I just let it quiet. And, if my friend ask me something bout Twitter I just leave and dont forget to say, "I dont know about it. I dont care. Its not funny than facebook you know?!" Hhaha. I've maaaaaaany reason why I prefer to that social networking = Facebook.

First,  I have many friends on it.
Second, I have some games on it. Like PetSociety, HotelCity, Farmville, etc.
Third, In this reason, I dont know what would I write. Coz, formerly I dont know why.. I just like love and without some reasoooon.. :(

But NOW! Situations was changed. Facebook was not as busy as before. Twitter was spreaaaaaad! Twitter full of people, till the twitter is OVER CAPACITY! *I just hate when its over capacity and I saw the stupid whale XC* soooo, now I'm sorry to reply the wall too late. :9 I'm active now on twitter. @claramelina ~> my twitter. follow :) and I'm thanksyou.


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In lirik

Justin Bieber feat. Jaden Smith - Never Say Never

Never say never (never never never)
Pick it up, pick, pick, pick it up
Pick it up, pick, pick, pick it up
Pick it up, pick, pick, pick it up
Pick it up, pick, pick, pick it up

You see I never thought that I could walk through fire
I never thought that I could take a burn
I never had the strength to take it higher
Until I reached the point of no return

And there's just no turnin back
When your heart's under attack
Gonna give everything I have
It's my destiny

I will never say never (I will fight)
I will fight till forever (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down
I will not stay on the ground
Pick it up, pick it up
Pick it up, pick it up (up up up...)
And never say never (ne-never say never x3)

I never thought that I could feel this power
I never thought that I could feel this free
I'm strong enough to climb the highest tower
And I'm fast enough to run across the sea

Cuz there's just no turnin back
When your heart's under attack
Gonna give everything I have
Cuz this is my destiny

I will never say never (I will fight)
I will fight till forever (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down
I will not stay on the ground
Pick it up, pick it up
Pick it up, pick it up (up up up...)
And never say never

Here we go
Guess who
J Smith and JB
uh huh
I got you lil' bro
I can handle him
Hold up, I, I can handle him
Now he's bigger than me, taller than me
And he's older than me, and stronger than me
And his arms are little bit longer than me
But it ain't on a JB song with me
I be tryna chill
They be tryna side with the thrill
No pun intended was raised by the power of will
Like Luke with the force if push comes to shove
Like Kobe with the fourth, ice water with blood (Let's go!)
I gotta be the best
And yes we're the flyest
Like David and Goliath
I conquered the giant
So now I got the world in my hand
I was born from two stars
So the moon's where I land

I will never say never (I will fight)
I will fight till forever (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down
I will not stay on the ground
Pick it up, pick it up
Pick it up, pick it up (up up up...)
And never say never

Never say never

I will never say never (never say never)
I will fight till forever (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down
I will not stay on the ground
Pick it up, pick it up
Pick it up, pick it up (up up up...)
And never say never (ne-never say never, never say it x3)
And never say never (ne-never say never x3)
And never say never


dont forget to waaaatch the FILM! :D

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In Life Moment

i'm graduaaaaaate btw :D

what do u see? :) THAT I'M GRADUATE? OOOOOH! I'm so EXCITED you knoooow? my nem is 24.50 but, I'm so proud of that numberrm.. coz the exam.. it was SO HAAAARD! :O hhaha ;) yeah, the important thing is THAT I'M GRADUATE! GRADUATE IS THE ONE THING THAT I SO WAITING FOR THAT!! WOW!>,< I was so crazy about the exam.. when I open the envelope.. and, I saw just FOUND :) that word CLARA MELINA SETJOADITYO = YOURE GRADUATED! YAY! I'm soooooo excited.. and, I was died *kidding* haha yes thaanks GOD! just because of GOD, PARENT, and my luvie FRIEND!:)) 

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In Life Moment

Petualangan ke Negeri Entah Berantaaaaaaaaah!

Haloh semua lagiiiih :P Pengeen banget aku menulis sesuatu lagi di blog syg ku iniih. Jadi aku mau nulis tentang perjalanan ga pulangpulang saya ini ato bisa di sebut petualangan kurang perfect, yah pokoke gtu daaah.

Jam 08.15 = Saya dan teman saya pergi menysuri jalan Timoho II tepatnya pergi ke SMP tercinta saya. Lalu mengikuti TryOut.
Jam 10.00 = Saya dan teman saya selesai mengerjakan TryOut. Tapiiih teman saya itu lebih dulu selesai drpada saya.  Hahah, tapi tentunya lebih ngawur mengerjakannya. Wakakak.
Jam 11.00 = Mendengarkan bandband saka EsPeelSa. (Keren looooow) 
Jam 11..... = Di jemput , ( ga langsung pulang namanya juga  Petualangan ke Negeri Entah Berantaaaaaaaaah! ) hehe. Oya sekalian nganterin kezzz ma adeliinn pulang. 
Jam 12.00 = Makan sop embuh lupak!
Jam 12.30 = Di Gale :D 

Nah d gale tu kita ketemu banyak tementemen mau kakak kelas adek kelas ada gtuu @.@ ( kok bisa yay?) 

Jam 14.00 = Pulang dri Gale. Sebenernya mau langsung pulang cmnn adek saya minta 'jangan pulang! jangan pulang! Kita ke XUrang aja!' akan tetapi ( jejejejejeng ) mama saya berkehendak laen 'Jangan! Kata '--piiiiiiiiiip--' neng Candi Boko tu ada rumah makan nah d situ bisa liad sunset keren bgt low' ya akhirnya kita nurut manut ae.. 
Jam 15.00 = Nyaampek, hufth. Pertamanya sempet kesasar ( sebenernya bukan kesasar sih cmn salah parkir! ) tapi akhirnya kaga kook! Hebat hebat padahal jalannya emang BENERBENER mblusuk!
Jam 15.30 = Nyampe sana cmn akhirnya fto fto gejeeeeeeee gtuu ? heha, memang saya mama papa adek itu narsis smua =P Hha. Tapi akhirnya papa bilang 'uda yuk pulang lagipula juga sunsetnya ketutu[an mendung' yauda deh ga jdiiiii T.T
Jam 17.30 akhirnya kita pulang nn sampe rumah jam 18... gtu. Tapi that was fun once and I will never forget :D

Okey deh uda dulu yaayaya :) Capek juga kali nulisnya :P

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In Fun Fact

the books that I like =)

aku suka majalah apa ajah, (yang penting untuk teenager) hahaha. asal ga bikin kantong bolong, ama isinya bermanfaat! hahhahgh. the best magz is => KawanKu Magazine :) I like it so much! isinya beermanfaat, uda gtu murah =DD andd, cocok bgt bwd teenager. haha. bahkan aku punya ftonya. aku fto sendiri lhoww! hehehe. nah inii nih fto yang aku punyak :)

                                            the best magz! this is NEW!

sebenernya aku punya banyak! tapi, berhubung kameraku baterainya abiss :( jadi cumn satu yah? aduh, sory bgt yak g bisa nmpiln smua :( 

and this is GADIS :) I like this too somuch XD

tapii kalo GADIS siih, aku cmn punya 2 majalah ya.. hehe. soalnya aku ga terlalu sering, and gtw kapan tanggal terbitnya ( maksudnya, stiap brp hari, atw stiap bulan, atw stiap minggu ) hehe. tapi aku juga suka kok! 

dri 2 buku majalah ini aku simpulin, kalo majalah ini tu bener bener ngajarin aku untuk jd cewe unbeatable, jd cewe yg aktif, mix and match deh pokoknya! hehe. okey deh, smoga juga dengan artikel ini kalian smua yg baca jd suka beli 2 majalah ini. sebenernya, aku masih punya majalah Aneka, sama majalah Teen. dadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. uda dulu yaaw postingnyaa =D

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In Story

this is a story of boys and girls :)

1 day, a girl and a boy meet in girl school. and, they have a special relationship, they are a couple :D the girl ask, "Am I pretty?" the boy say, "No." the girl ask again, "Do you wish to live with me?" the boy, "No." the girl ask again, "If I die, are you cry?" the boy, "No." So, the girl started to cry. And the boy kiss on her lip.. after that, the boy say, "You are not pretty, but you are perfect. I not just wish to live with you, but I wish to live and die with you. If you die I'm not cry, but I'll die for you."

So, the girl stop her tears. And, they live happy together 4ever.. nothing stop they love.


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In Life Moment

selamat tinggal 2009, selamat datang 2010, new year, new blog XD

heloo all :D semoga di taon yg baru ini, kita lebih fresh! hehe. medt taon baruu yaaaaa! sory terlambat :( hehe . d taon yg baru ini, aku maw lebih serius bikin blog. pokoknya aku makin cinta ngeblog deeh! apalgi di blogger ini aku cintaaaaaaaaa bagt! apalagi aku udah sering banget ngepost d blog ku yg lamak :( cumn, aku ud g ngurus lgy. mendink ak bikin yg baruu :D. hehe. oya, nama:Clara Melina, but you can call me Clara. hehe so what again? hehe. like blogging, and something else in internet or in Indonesian 'dunia maya'. aku suka baca KawanKu Magazine, komik, novel, aku suka film Twilight Saga, bagiku, itu semua keren banget
ciee cie. trus nih ya, aku juga punyak sahabat yang baek ama aku. namanya nathalie :D dy baek, tapi juga suka ngece. wahahha. peace :p trus aku juga punya kegiatan.. jd ga cuma d rumah ajah! kegiatannya ituh adalah les :) aku mulai les tahun 2009 belum lama kan? haaha. cuman bwt kelulusan inii ajah.
aku g terlalu pinter, cuman juga g terlalu bodo bgt! xo pastii donk? hahaa. aku punyak adek, namanya: Michael Surya. dy nakal bgt, tapi aku cobak ngertiin deh. walaupun susah. hehe. orgtua masih lengkap! amiin. hehe. oya, kita 'mlengsein' sedikit ke account. kamu kamu punya account twitter? atau plurk? please add me yea? please follow me yea? I'll follow you too (for Twitter) haha. okeh, yaud yah? ahah. thaathaa :D

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