In Fun Fact

FACEBOOK are not as busy as before :D I just move to TWITTER.

HEYAA! Before I write something here, I want to say something for my blog. It was like this, "My blog, I want to talk. Thank you because you are faithful to me even though I rarely open up and write something in your place. Frankly, I miss you!"

Lol. I dont believe that I can write like thaaat :'( *huhuhuuhuhuhuhuuu.. CRYING* okay. lets stop this stupid draaamaa! :p ahhaa.

In 2009, Facebook was spread! First one, I was like and looooooove it :p and, I have Twitter. I just let it quiet. And, if my friend ask me something bout Twitter I just leave and dont forget to say, "I dont know about it. I dont care. Its not funny than facebook you know?!" Hhaha. I've maaaaaaany reason why I prefer to that social networking = Facebook.

First,  I have many friends on it.
Second, I have some games on it. Like PetSociety, HotelCity, Farmville, etc.
Third, In this reason, I dont know what would I write. Coz, formerly I dont know why.. I just like love and without some reasoooon.. :(

But NOW! Situations was changed. Facebook was not as busy as before. Twitter was spreaaaaaad! Twitter full of people, till the twitter is OVER CAPACITY! *I just hate when its over capacity and I saw the stupid whale XC* soooo, now I'm sorry to reply the wall too late. :9 I'm active now on twitter. @claramelina ~> my twitter. follow :) and I'm thanksyou.


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