In Life Moment

How Are You?

Well hello reader! It's been a long time since I wrote my last post in this blog. And also I changed the blog template, hoping you enjoy reading my blog. Hehe. So, why I end up appear in this blog again? I'll tell you! Haha. I left my writing hobby since I went highschool. After I went highschool, many things has changed. Then, I decided to stop writing a post in blog. Not just that, I've changed from how I dress (in junior high I  was a tomboy girl who doesn't like or even interest to wear any makeup or something that looks girly and now I super like about makeup and the other girls thing(s).), having a new friend, and met a boy(s) who finally makes me cry and learn about love for the first time (LOL). Lost and found. In teenage, highschool I mean, many of us trying to find "Who am I?" "I like to try this, and that. These and those" until somehow, we become someone else. I mean we are trying to find out who we are, our identity at teenager moment right? And now, I've been graduate from highschool and went to college. I am now 3rd semester colleger and taking Architecture for my degree, which is very hard to through it and now I just want to give up :( And after all my introduction in the first paragraph; I want to share a few story for all of you who read my blog. 

Since I went to college, this is what's good being in these part. (maybe you feel the same way too);

  1. New Friend Alert.
  2. This is super fun because maybe you get bored with your friend in highschool, so they make a new colour in your life. Because me is a person that also often feeling bored about something. So, ya, it's one the best part of my life.
  3. Excited About What are We Learning Today?
  4. IT'S ME! Lol. Or maybe I'm the one who always excited to learn about new thing? Hahaha. Since I like drawing, I think maybe Architecture fits to me. But, in the end.. It's not. (wkwk)
  5. Love Life.
  6. Who's excited for this? Hahahah!! This could be the best part of being a colleger. (not only in college, but mom and daddy said that "you'll have a relationship only at college". But that's not for me lol.) 

But I'm also having an emotional struggles. Many of us maybe feeling that too, because college is not that easy... In highschool, I was always thinking that college is better than school. But, I was wrong. People become individual. That's the point of college. Individual thing, I think? So, ya. That's a few of my story since the last time. 2014 and now 2017. Wow, it's been 3 years. And it's almost 2018. That's all I can share! Bye pals. See ya in my next post. 

Have a good day!

Clara M.

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